vibrational practice: sound, curation, research, instrument building
If you listened to the wind, when it blows in the beech trees and bellow in the air;
If you know how to listen to the wind, when it leads its clouds like great sea birds, and when it bellowed in the air with its throat of frost;
if you have sometimes heard the fountain and the river and the leaf cry, the whisper of the ripe grass in the meadows,
you may know what I have to say.
You already know it.

(Marcela Delpastre, Prelude to Pagan Psalms - translated from French / Occitan)

How to relate, perceive, listen, interpret, understand, transmit, play vibrational energies, these transformative forces - thick, situated, processual, ecological, common inner-outer ground...? The project chaosmos is a poetic attent to approach this question.

Mending The Fabric Of Life Acoustic version of Chaosmos with a focus on interaction with electromagnetic field via microFM radio transmission: acoustic guitar, voice, feet, sounding objects & radio transmission